Robots at work; Yes or No?


  Robots and AI are updated terms that emerge into our lives. Depending on where you stand, they can amaze you or make you worried about the future. They are getting intagrated into our lives more and more everyday. Artificial Intelegent devices like google home and amazon alexa are helping us manage our homes. We ask more questions to google home device than we ask our friends, family or teachers now. Alexa is considered as a real person by an american child in many cases.


    We are not only using this technologies in our homes for entertainment purposes, we also use them in our work places. When it comes to using these technologies at work places, we face with both advantages and disadvantages compared to employing a person to do same things.


    First we pass the cost of applying and installing this tech, in a long run it is cheaper to use and maintain compared to employing humans. This robots are not aware of how to complain or protest. They do not need expensive healthcare or vacations. The robots are ofcourse not capable doing advanced delicate tasks like humans but they are getting there. Robots are stronger than humans and they are better at doing repeating tasks. They can be used in hazardous enviroments and keep people safe. They can work non stop 24 hours and 7 days. There are no shifts like humans.


    When it comes the disadventages of using robots in a work place are like thez cannot predict bad stiations and unexpected instances. They are not smart enough to evaluate stiations and can cause demage to the company. With the usage of robots, the unemployement rates are sky rocketing. People are more unemployed today than ever before because of this. The robots are also cannot decide by themselves so they need more qualified workforce of programmers and automation engineers. This can cost a lot of money to the employer.


    In the end, it is up to the employers to decide who they employe; robots or humans. They should evaluate their needs and decide acordingly. It is good the tech improves but we, humans are not so fast adaptive to it. It takes time for us to adjust. We should use this power wisely.


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