
“SPRACHABSCHNEIDER” adlı eserin Türkçe dil kuralları çerçevesinde uyarlanması (Sözcük Kırpan)

  Sözcük Kırpan   İlk Paragraf;   “ Bir gökyüzü ağacı! ”  diye düşündü Paul, süzülen bulutlara bakarak. Kocaman bir ağaç. Kocaman buluttan bir ağaç. Gökyüzünde kocaman bir ağaç. Göklerin kocaman ağacı.   Yedi adım sonra, Paul yavaşladı; ağaç artık bir fildi. Altı adım sonra fil artık bir lokomotifti. Beş adım adım daha sonra Lokomotif bir yatağa dönüşmüştü. Rüzgar bulutlar ile canı ne isterse onu yapıyordu; Buluttan bir ağaç, buluttan bir fil, buluttan bir lokomotif ya da buluttan bir yatak.   İkinci Paragaraf;   Adamın biri kocaman yeşil şemsiyesini açarak, bavula benzeyen tahta sandığın üzerine çıktı ve şarkı söylemeye başladı. Gerçek bir şarkı değildi bu. Paul ’ un duydukları; bir ayının kükremesi, bir tahtanın gıcırtısı ve bir karganın gaglamasıydı.   Gel Gel Gel! Edatını, yüklemini al da gel! Ver ünlüyü götür ödevi!   Kim değişmez ki birkaç harfle Bir haftalık ev ödevini!   Var mısın bir anlaşmaya Bu sözcük kırpanıyla!   Üçüncü Paragraf;   Kapının önünde tahta bavulu ile dikilen a

Robots at work; Yes or No?

      Robots and AI are updated terms that emerge into our lives. Depending on where you stand, they can amaze you or make you worried about the future. They are getting intagrated into our lives more and more everyday. Artificial Intelegent devices like google home and amazon alexa are helping us manage our homes. We ask more questions to google home device than we ask our friends, family or teachers now. Alexa is considered as a real person by an american child in many cases.        We are not only using this technologies in our homes for entertainment purposes, we also use them in our work places. When it comes to using these technologies at work places, we face with both advantages and disadvantages compared to employing a person to do same things.        First we pass the cost of applying and installing this tech, in a long run it is cheaper to use and maintain compared to employing humans. This robots are not aware of how to complain or protest. They do not need expensive healthc

What is body language? ( Vücut dili nedir? - İngilizce içerik)

What is body language? Body language is communication without words (Nonverbal). Nonverbal behavior is complex, subtle, and multichannel. It may be structured (following certain rules) but it is more likely to be unstructured; it may be continuous, unlike language, which comes in disconnected units; it may be learnt but some functions seem innate. [9] Body Language Types; 1.  Physical movements; facial expressions, body postures, gestures, handshakes, breathing. 2.  Oculesics; a subcategory of body language, is the study of eye movement, eye behavior, gaze, and eye-related nonverbal communication. As a social or behavioral science, oculesics is a form of nonverbal communication focusing on deriving meaning from eye behavior. [10] 3.  Haptics; is the study of touching and how it is used in communication. As such, handshakes, holding hands, back slapping, high fives, brushing up against someone or pats all have meaning. [11] 4 .  Tone of voice;  a combination of

What is culture? (Kültür nedir? - İngilizce içerik)

What is culture?    “Culture is the characteristics and knowledge of a particular group of people, defined by everything from language, religion, cuisine, social habits, music and arts.[1]” This is the simple definition of culture but culture is so sophisticated that no one can simplify it.    In 1952, the American anthropologists, Kroeber and Kluckhohn, critically reviewed concepts and definitions of culture, and compiled a list of 164 different definitions. Apte (1994: 2001), writing in the ten volumes Encyclopedia of Language and Linguistics, summarized the problem as follows: ‘Despite a century of efforts to define culture adequately, there was in the early 1990s no agreement among anthropologists regarding its nature.’ [2] So let’s look at the long definition of culture but not that long. Culture is; ·  that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom, and any  other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society.[3]

Musik im Unterricht (Almanca İçerik)

Musik im Unterricht ,, …die M usik  sei  die Sprache des Gefühls und der Leidenschaft  so wie Worte die Sprache der Vernunft . ” (H.J. Döpp, Musik und Eros s.43) Musik ist ein Teil unseres Lebens. Dank der Musik können wir eine Reihe von Emotionen spüren, wenn wir nur da stehen und zuhören. Vor allem im Leben von Studenten der Digital Native. Diese Generation von Schülern hat so wenig Zeit zur Konzentration auf den Unterricht. So können wir mithilfe der Musik ihre Aufmerksamkeit wiedergewinnen und ihnen ein wenig mehr unterrichten. Wenn die Schüler mit einem Lied arbeiten, benutzen sie mehrere Kanäle wie Hören, Singen, Sehen und Gefühle … Und schließlich haben sie einen besseren Einblick in Wörter und Sätze. Die Herausforderung besteht darin, einen guten Lied zu wählen, das für diesen Zweck gut geeignet ist. Dazu können wir auf Websites und erfahrene Personen verweisen. Auch ist es immer gut, sich selbst auszuprobieren, bevor man es den Schülern serviert. Hier is

Was lernen Schüler im Grammatikunterricht (Beispiele)? (Almanca İçerik)

Was lernen Schüler im Grammatikunterricht (Beispiele)?   Im Grammatikunterricht Lernen Schüler Rechtschreibung, Wortarten, Satzglieder, Struktur und grammatische Kategorien.   z. B. Schüler lernen was ist Differenz zwischen Verb und Adjektiv.   Lernziele für den Grammatikunterricht nach Wolfgang Eichler;  [5]   Der Schüler soll Einsicht in den Bau und die Struktur der deutschen Sprache erhalten (Kulturgüterorientiertes Lernziel). Er hat seine kulturelle Identität auch in der Sprache erfassen.   Der Schüler soll in der Fähigkeit zum analytischen (logischen) Denken gefördert werden (Transfer in die kognitive Kompetenz).   Der Schüler soll lernen, Distanz zum Eingebunden sein in kommunikative Prozesse zu nehmen und für Normen aller Art sensibilisiert werden (Transfer: analytische Grundeinstellung).   Der Schüler soll objektive Kriterien für die Analyse von kommunikativen Handlungen und Sprache auf ihre Wirkung und ihre Bedingungen erarbe